The Objectives
To undertake multi-disciplinary, multi-layered socially relevant, eco-conscious, gender-sensitive researches, the very methodology of which would include people as primary stake-holders,
To creatively use the research outcomes to innovate, design and conduct issue- and skill- based newer academic, entrepreneurial, leadership and media training programmes and socio-political engagements, with children, youth, women and the differently-abled as focal points, with the view to empowering them,
To produce multi-genre, multi-design, multiple-media texts both informative and entertaining, with people as co-partners in the production process, simultaneously making it in-the-field training in media arts and crafts,
To involve in its programmes as many as feasible from various walks of life, particularly children, youth and women, providing a ‘hands-on’ experience of or an insight into the intricate cultural-political reality,
To disseminate the research outcomes and the media-text packages through mainstream and alternative, conventional and virtual media, and also through own marketing outlets and publication of need-based print and online journals to reach out to as many people, the end beneficiaries, as possible,
To bring together the academicians, social and political activists, media practitioners and all ‘people-thinking’ persons and organisations to deliberate on and proactively respond to the persistent and emerging concerns / issues of the people as evidenced in the research outcomes, and by so doing, to contribute to the framing of policies and programmes of governments at various levels, and other people-centred agencies of import,
To initiate research programmes in partnership with farmers and other relevant organisations to cultivate particularly in youth and children love and respect for land and labour, nature and universe at large, embracing agricultural-ecological, cultural-indological, aesthetic-technological, and holistic health and life-style dimensions, and
To undertake commissioned projects with professional competence, without at the same time jeopardizing or contravening its people-centred-ness, and in the process to make it self-sustainable.